Ongoing EuroSys activities
EuroSys strongly supports the education, training, and recognition of the next generation of European systems researchers through the following activities
The EuroSys Doctoral Workshops (EuroDW), co-located with the yearly EuroSys conferences, provide an excellent forum for students to present their PhD work and receive constructive feedback and general advice from experts in the field as well as their peers. Invited speakers and panel discussions will address common challenges and general advice for PhD students.
The EuroSys-organized Shadow Program Committees constitute a first-class educational experience for young systems researchers. A shadow PC parallels the real PC of the EuroSys conference. It reviews the actual submissions to the conference, writing real reviews, holding an actual paper selection meeting, comparing its results with the real PC, and discussing the writing and reviewing process.
EuroSys PhD prize: the Roger Needham PhD Award. EuroSys has established an annual prize to be awarded to a PhD student from a European University whose thesis is regarded to be an exceptional, innovative contribution to knowledge in the Systems area. For more information about this activity, see here.
Past Eurosys-related activities
EuroSys Authoring Workshop 2006
This workshop aims to help European papers get accepted at a major Systems conference, e.g. OSDI. It includes an intensive online paper preparation period, followed by a full-day, hands-on physical meeting co-located with the EuroSys 2006 conference in Leuven. Students may discuss ways of presenting their PhD work, and receive feedback from peers as well as experts in the field. We focus more on organization, presentation and writing of the paper, and less on the technical issues. Throughout the preparation period, a shepherd is assigned to work with each group of authors.
Attendance: 7 author groups were invited. See web site for more info.
The final meeting, 18 April 2006, Leuven, attracted ~25 authors, shepherds, and senior researchers.
White Paper on "Fostering Systems Research in Europe", submitted to European and national funding agencies and decision-makers, etc. It was publicly released at EuroSys 2006. See here. (An earlier paper is listed below.)
 Systems research, education and industry in Europe, A White Paper by EuroSys. This was prepared (in a hurry) in June 2005 for the European Commission in preparation for the next round of European funding (affectionately called "FP7"). It is made obsolete by the newer paper "Fostering Systems Research in Europe" referenced above.
1st ACM EuroSys workshop: "Promoting excellence in European systems research".
Goal: This workshop is designed for senior European researchers in Systems to meet, to exchange information and discuss current research interests and trends. The aim is to reinforce the community, a key goal of EuroSys.
Attendance: The workshop is by invitation only, and is limited to 40.
Timing/venue: Lisbon, Portugal, July 2005.
2005 European Systems Doctoral Symposium colocated with SOSP 2005, 2008 European Systems Doctoral Symposium colocated with Eurosys 2008.
Goal: To provide the opportunity for European doctorate students in the area of Computer Systems to meet and discuss their projects