EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award

Prize donated by Red Hat

The EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award was created in 2014 by ACM EuroSys to reward junior European researchers who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and innovation in systems research, broadly construed. The award is named in honor of Jochen Liedtke, one of the most prominent researchers on microkernel architecture. His work culminated with the L4 microkernel design, which rethought inter-process communication from the ground up. The award is given annually at the EuroSys conference, in memory of Jochen and his fundamental contributions to the systems community. The award is accompanied by a 2,000 EUR cash prize generously provided by RedHat.

EuroSys 2024 Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award Recipient

Past Recipients

Nomination Procedure

Candidates must be nominated for the Award; self-nominations are not accepted. Members of the selection committee and EuroSys officers may encourage nominations, but may not themselves nominate a candidate. Unsuccessful nominations may be resubmitted in subsequent years. The nomination packet consists of:

The nomination packet and letters of recommendation should be sent to by December 1, 2024.

The current committee of the Jochen Liedtke Award is chaired by

Selection & Eligibility

The selection committee chooses the recipient based on demonstrated contributions that have had impact and are creative and innovative, along with demonstrated promise for making lasting and fundamental contributions to the field.  Contributions may be academic publications, industrial accomplishments, and/or high-impact systems software artefacts. Participation in EuroSys and in the European research community is an additional consideration.

A candidate must have received her or his Ph.D. no more than 10 years before the date of nomination. The actual award date of the degree, according to the rules of the institution where the degree was granted, is used as the reference date. Eligibility may be extended for qualified career breaks, such as maternity/paternity leave, obligatory national service, and long-term illness. The candidate must have spent a significant fraction of her or his career in Europe, and at the time of nomination must be employed by a European institution (for the purpose of this award, we define Europe broadly as these countries plus Israel). There is no restriction on the nationality of the candidate. Members of the selection committee and EuroSys officers are not eligible.